Lennard-Jones fluid

Measuring the NMR relaxation time from a Lennard-Jones fluid

MD system

LJ fluid simulated with LAMMPS - Dipolar NMR relaxation time calculation LJ fluid simulated with LAMMPS - Dipolar NMR relaxation time calculation

The system is made of 1638 particles interacting through the classical Lennard-Jones (LJ) 12-6 potential with a cut-off of \(9\,\text{Å}\). Each particle was associated with a mass \(m = 1\,\text{g/mol}\), and LJ parameters \(\sigma = 3\,\text{Å}\) and \(\epsilon = 0.1\,\text{kcal/mol}\). The volume of the box \((37.5\,\text{Å})^3\) was chosen to match the density of the paper by Grivet [1]. Calculations were made at constant volume and energy, in the NVE ensemble. The total duration of the simulation was 11000 steps, and the data were recorded every 10 steps with a timestep of \(1.16\,\text{fs}\). The imposed temperatures were ranging from \(T = 30\) to \(160\,\text{K}\).

The parameters were chosen to match the reduced parameters used by Grivet [1], namely a reduced temperature ranging from \(T^* = 0.8\) to 3.0, a density \(\rho^* = 0.84\). Note however, a smaller number of particles was used, as well as a smaller timestep, and a slightly longer cut-off.


The correlation function \(G^{(0)}\) was first extracted for two temperatures, \(T = 50\) and \(140\,\text{K}\), and compared with the correlation functions reported by Grivet [1]. Our results show an excellent agreement with the results from Grivet, thus validating the NMR formalism used here as well as the LJ system and parameters.

NMR results obtained from the LAMMPS simulation of water NMR results obtained from the LAMMPS simulation of water

Figure: Correlation function \(G^{(0)}\) as extracted from the LJ fluid simulation for two different temperatures, and compared with the data from Grivet [1] (open symbols).

The NMR relaxation rates \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) was also extracted for all the temperatures, at a frequency \(f_0 = 150\,\text{GHz}\). Our results show a good agreement with the data from Grivet [1].

NMR results obtained from the LAMMPS simulation of water NMR results obtained from the LAMMPS simulation of water

Figure: NMR relaxation rates \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) at a frequency \(f_0 = 150\,\text{GHz}\). The data from Grivet [1] are shown with open symbols.